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“Worlds of Labor” Conference

International “Worlds of Labor” Conference – November, 26th – 29th 2014 – Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Salvador, Bahia – Brazil

Call for papers

The members of the Workgroup “Worlds of Labor” – Brazilian History Association (GT “Mundos do Trabalho” – Associação Nacional de História – ANPUH) have the pleasure to invite researchers to submit presentation proposals for the III International “Worlds of Labor” Conference, to be held jointly with the VII National Workshop of Labor History. The event will take place between November 26th and 29th 2014 at Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia. Presentation proposals must be based on empirical research, theoretical and methodological debates and assessments of the academic production that enable the dialogue with others interested in similar themes.

The Workgroup “Worlds of Labor” – an official section of the Brazilian History Association – has been playing a fundamental role in the diffusion of the increasing Brazilian labor historiography and in fomentingdomestic and international inter-exchanges. Since its creation, in 2001, the WG promotes thematic conferences inside ANPUH bi-annual national symposiums and, in alternate years, workshops for researchers in the field. In 2010, the Ist International “Worlds of Labor” Conference was held jointly to the V National Workshop of Labor History in Florianópolis at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina(UFSC). In 2012, the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil / Fundação Getúlio Vargas (CPDOC/FGV), held the II International “Worlds of Labor” Conference and the VI National Workshop of Labor History in Rio de Janeiro.

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Paul Boulland (17 décembre 2013). “Worlds of Labor” Conference. Mondes du travail. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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