ELHN Conference 2017 – CFP “Feminist Labour History”
Dear members of the ELHN Working Group “Feminist Labour History”, dear interested Colleagues and friends,
As we anticipated in our previous newsletter (n.°1 June 2016), the Second EHLN Conference will be held in Paris next year (2nd–4th November 2017).
Our working group is entitled to propose thematic sessions, so we would like to remind you about the possibility of proposing panels and papers.
Potential topics, related to the activity of the Feminist Labour History WG, include the following:
- the intersection of class, race, gender, global inequality, etc. in all thematic areas of labour history
- the global gendered division of labour
- the historical engendering of various types and forms of labour
- the historical evolvement of the relationship between paid and unpaid or subsistence-oriented work
- commodification and decommodification of domestic and care work
- the role gender has played in shaping labour law and practice of regulating labour and the impact of labour law and labour practices on gender and gender relations
- trade unions and gender locally, nationally and internationally
- the politics of “women’s work” and “men’s work”
- the exchange of knowledge about primary sources, archives, and literature related to the history of gender and labour.
The deadline for submitting paper and panel proposals is the end of January 2017, so we would ask you to send us your proposal by January 20th.
The proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Conference in February 2017 and the Organization Committee will establish a preliminary Conference programme in late spring 2017.
For further information and sending the proposal please write to Eloisa Betti (eloisabetti@gmail.com ; eloisa.betti2@unibo.it )
Best wishes,
Eloisa Betti, Silke Neunsinger, Leda Papastefanaki, Susan Zimmermann
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Paul Boulland (7 janvier 2017). ELHN Conference 2017 – CFP “Feminist Labour History” Mondes du travail. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/aqw0