Creation of the French Association for Labour History (AFHMT)
Creation of the French Association for Labour History (AFHMT)
The French Association for Labour History was created in June 2013. It aims at promoting research carried out in labour history as well as the history of male and female workers which constitute the subject of renewed interest revitalized by new ways of considering history. History is thus analyzed through work and in link with other social sciences.
The AFHMT aims at supporting this angle of research in a cross-disciplinary perspective. It is open to specialists of various periods and territories. It encompasses all types of research which may question labour in any way : employment, social relationships at work and outside the workplace, and its cultural, economic and political consequences.
The AFHMT is open to historians as well as researchers of all disciplines who are willing to take into account the historical dimension of labour issues. On these grounds, the AFHMT intends to develop the history of various labour environments, at university and in research institutes as well as in secondary school syllabuses. It wishes to promote a series of conferences, to build scientific projects and to publicize these initiatives. It also supports doctoral students and those who just finished their Ph.Ds.
AFHMT is a founding member of the European Labour History Network and of its coordination committee. The AFHMT is willing to cooperate with French and foreign associations whose objectives coincide with its own and to reinforce links with documentation and archives centres.
Its board is composed of 23 members reflecting a variety of components. Its elected committee includes Michel Pigenet (president), Nicolas Hatzfeld (secretary), Alexandre Fernandez (treasurer), Xavier Vigna (deputy secretary), Laure Machu (vice-president) and Corine Maitte.
Yearly membership fees are € 10 for doctoral students and € 20 for other members. Payment by cheque, in the name of the AFHMT, must be sent to the treasurer, Mr Alexandre Fernandez, 241 rue Turenne 33 000 Bordeaux or at the headquarters of the association, 9 rue Malher, 75 004 Paris.
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Paul Boulland (8 janvier 2014). Creation of the French Association for Labour History (AFHMT). Mondes du travail. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse