Households, family workshops and unpaid market work
Manuela MARTINI and Anna BELLAVITIS (eds), “Households, family workshops and unpaid market work in Europe from the 16th century to the present”, The History of The Family, special issue, vol. 19, n° 3, 2014.
Table des matières
Manuela MARTINI and Anna BELLAVITIS, “Introduction : Household economies, social norms and practices of unpaid market work in Europe from the sixteenth century to the present”, p.273
Jane WHITTLE, “Enterprising widow and active wives: women’s unpaid work in the household economy of early modern England”, p.283
Ariadne SCHIMDT, “The profits of unpaid work. ‘Assisting labour’ of women in the early modern urban Dutch economy”, p.301
Beatrice ZUCCA-MICHELETTO, “Only unpaid labour force? Women’s and girl’s work and property in family business in early modern Italy”, p.523
Céline BESSIERE, “Female and male domestic partners in wine-grape farms (Cognac, France): conjugal asymmetry and gender discrimination in family businesses”, p.341
Francesca Maria CESARONI and Annalisa SENTUTI, “Women and family businesses. When women are left only minor roles”, p.358.
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